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Fundraise for WRI!

Holding a fundraising event or a sponsored activity is a great way to get involved with WRI's work and can be lots of fun too!


Sponsored events and activities have raised much-needed funds for the Wildlife Hospital in 2021. 


There are so many creative and fun ways to get involved. Take a look at the gallery below and get inspired by our past amazing fundraisers! 


Please do let us know if you are intending to fundraise for us so we can help you with promotional materials and offer advice and guidance.  Email

Check out some of our amazing fundraisers in 2021!


Thank You!

Stamullen 6th class raised €100 for WRI under the Junior Entrepreneur 

Programme. They created and sold their product ‘Fuzzles’ - a comfort toy for children.


Brave Headshave

Thank You!

Brave volunteer Rebecca, shaved off all of her lovely hair in aid of WRI 


Sea Swim Superstar

Thank You!

Max  completed a sea swim for WRI, well done Max amazing job


Tour De Highfield

Thank You!

The amazing team at Highfield Veterinary took part in a 100km cycle in July to help fundraise for WRI


Cozy PJ Day 

Thank You!

Mini Hands Montessori had a sponsored PJ-Day in aid of the wildlife hospital 


Book + Cake Sale

Thank You!

Hannah, Shuna, Fiadh, and Dervla, who had a book and cake sale in aid of the Wildlife Hospital


500KM Running Wild

Thank You!

WRI Volunteers & Interns, Seán, Mima, Alan and Aisling who collectivly ran 500km in the month of August

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Need more fundraising Inspiration?
Check out some of the creative ideas below!


If you have a fundraising idea that you would like to suggest or would like some help or advice just pop an email to

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